Some gesture can get you in trouble

So now we're learning about different cultures and how what we think is normal other countries think are jacked up. Well I'm Greek and I love my culture and it fun to see the difference between how Americans think and how Greeks think. America is more of an individual country, we think mostly on bettering our selves though lots of work so we can get lots of money and essentially be happy. I'm not saying that's how you are but Americans as a whole are pretty much workaholics. In Greece around 3:00 pm every store in the town closes and everyone takes a nap. We just sleep right there in the middle of the day. We relax unwind and since Greece really comes alive at night, the nap helps you stay up later. But a typical American would find that strange. They would think to themselves "if you close biz then you lose money," or "there's not time to sleep at night let alone in the day" But we do. Greek work to live while Americans live to work. Greeks are very family oriented and to scar the family name in worse than dying most of the time. We also have different gestures. For instance, instead of saying "NO" to something you can also simply make a kiss noise while raising your head. There are lots of different gestures in other countries as opposed to here. I have more in mind but for some reason they're all inappropriate. So I'll just keep those to myself. Anyways I'm hoping to see what other cultures are like and how they compare to America real soon!