Social Class

I try really hard not to judge people because of social class or at all for that matter. But sometimes i can't help myself. I didnt always live in "Long Grove". My parents worked really hard to get us here and my sisters and i try not to take advantage of that. What really bugged me about this movie and social climbing is that some people dont bother to climb. I understand that some poeple are happy where they are in life and dont need much but to live in filth? Living in disgust doesnt make sence to me. What little we had in my family was well kept and clean.

The woman with her kids in the trailer really bothered me. She sees that her son wants to be better and live out of poverty but she doesnt encourage him. She doesnt try to support him in anyway. What kind of mother/person does that? Dont parents want their kids to live well, happy and healthy? I feel that just because she couldnt climb it doesnt mean that she shouldnt encourage her kids to do so.

If parents were more supporting then kids would try to leave the projects, do better in school, stay out of jail. The governement can as many bills and welfares as it wants but help will only come from the home. Not only will the economy do better but crime will decrease and people would be much happier. If one wants to stay in there class thats fine but those who dont try because no one cares or they feel its not worth the work should think again.