Jail, Good or Bad?

We've been told all our lives that jail is bad and we dont want to go there, yet some poeple disagree. When we were watching 30Days you could tell that some of the men would rather be in jail. Some may not perferit but they dont mind it. I found this to be very sad. If you look at the big picture yes your in jail but...you're gettin 3 square meals a day (the same meals as a Stevenson student), you have a place to sleep, you dont have to pay rent or the bookies looking for you. I mean for some jail is great.

By watching this video it really showed me how the system works and im surprised. I really thought that George and that other guy were get clean but the didnt. Its very depressing but it is true life. And i still cant decide whether the jails should a rehabilatation center or just for punishing purposes. Its a tricky topic.