Positive Deviance

So Sal had this article about positive deviance and im a little sketchy about it. Would Diaz of still bought the kid dinner if he had a gun instead? Would he have still been so nice if the mugger was an older man and not a teen? I don't question that we should do positve things for one another, i just question how much we can do. I would love to be Diaz is this story, and have made a difference in this boys life. But the thing is I can't do something that great. I see people go above and beyond and really help. I'm very happy for them and all that they do, i just wish i could do the same. I know every little bit counts but is it really enough. Is holding the door for some kids at Stevenson really gonna do anything for them? Most kids here ignore the existance of everyone else in the hall. Here's an experiment of my own: when you're walking in the hall by yourself instead of day dreaming or only looking infront of you, look around and at people's faces. Almost no one will meet your gaze or smile at you. So can little acts of deviance help at Stevenson? I understand that big acts of deviance anywhere can really help people but little acts im not so sure about. I still do them but i doubt ill be remembered 10 years from now for helping you pick up your dropped books. Then again i could be wrong but who knows. Maybe if more people cared about the little things we would have to worry about making a differece. I don't know.