Men and Women

I agree media has played a huge role in society and the way we look at the roles of men and women. But did not people create the media? In years dating back how far isn't this how it was? Men were hunters and women were gathers. Women were mothers and it wasn't till very reasently that women got their rights. The real world is starting to accept women for who they are and realize that they don't belong in the kitchen.
But there is still a lot of sexest people out there. And on Sal's blog there's video about Disney movies. Most of those movies were made 10 years ago, right? A lot has changed over the past 10 years. Sexism had toned down since then. So can you really blame old Disney movies for all this confusion and school shootings?
I think parents should start to take back some the responsibilities they have...slacked on. "TV can't parent your children, so dont just stick them in front of it so you dont have to worry." is the message that some parents need. Kids should be learning from their parents and elders instead of the TV. The TV is merely a source of entertainment. The kids, parents and viewers need to realize this.
I think that with time we wont have these mascilin and feminim problems because people will finally realize that media mirrors society so if they want the media to change so bad then they should change the society.