The Awkwardness of Silence

I really don't find anything wrong thing silence except that it can be boring. I can be in a room filled with silent people and have no problem. I just prefere to have noise because that's kinda what I grew up with. I love to have my house full of people laughing and yelling jokes across the table. I love to blast the radio in my room or the livingroom and just listen. I never really find silence to be awkward, the people in the conversation might be awkward but not the silence. I choose not to really care. I don't have time to be selfconscience, nervous, or awkward. If I notice that the other poeple feel awkward then I might crack a joke or lighten the mood in some way. But personally I could care less, I choose to laugh moments like those off. Silence can be good sometimes. And it usally occur because the conversation got dull or weird and a silence was needed. But I believe that you can completely avoid awkward moments because they're only awkward of you want them to be. It's all state of mind and depends how you look at the situation.