The Rest of My Life

So my parents have been asking what do i want to do with my life since i was 10. But now its really starting to kick in. College is just around the corner and i have to decide on a career. Most kids i meet know they're going to college but not what they're going to major in. Is that really ok? My parents tell me that if i dont want to go to college or if im not not gonna take it seriously than i shouldnt waste my money. They would perfer i go but they cant make me. And i have to somewhat agree with them. I need to have goals and plans that way i dont get jipped out of thousands of dollars. But not many kids right out of high school have a major or a career chosen. Is this really ok? well the way our society makes it seem is yes. its perfectly fine to choose something the last minute. And the only reason it makes it fine is b/c thats whats everyone is doing now. If enough people do something than it becomes socially execptable, right? Take clothing for example, if everyone wheres furry pants than its ok but if only one person wears them they look pretty dumb. College is no longer a privledge to some its just what comes after high school. B/c everyone has been going to college it has become a social norm. And to break that norm would make you seem wierd or people think you're destend to be a bum.This just shows how social norms are everywhere.